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You're not a perpetrator, not a victim

The source doesn’t see victims or perpetrators, because the source just simply wants to experience. The source has created its self in to you. From the eyes of the source you are simply to learn, to experience, to let go of negative karma, heal your wounds, getting your insights, letting your light through and create new awarness etc.

That doesn't mean that you have to let everything happen, that everything is ok on this planet. Because it is not, the world is pretty out of balance. Yes, of course you put some boundaries if something or someone crossing your lines. I prefer boundaries on different levels of your being (very important for the starseeds).

And if you want things to changes, you need to listen to your higher guidance.

But what we often forget is to listen to your higher guidance. And on a planet where there is so much going on, where there is so much distractions and stimulus, it is not always easy to hear your higher guidance. That is why it is important to work on different things with yourself so your connection with your higher guidance is getting stronger and clear.

That means taking time off social media and your phone ones in a while. And do other stuff what reconnects you back with yourself, so you can hear your own voice again. Working on your alignment, get to know your systems, so you learn to feel when your energy flows or not, (that will translate that you feel when there is something not right) so you can do something about it etc.

The more you listen to your higher guidance the clearer everything becomes. You will see things from a different corner. From there you will make different choices and you know what to do. You have everything in your inner present and power to deal with your situations.

And sometimes you just don’t see it clear for some reason, go in observing mode.

Especially in those situations where you’re being triggered on deeper stuff, you know that unresolved old pain that is lying around under the carpet. Those moments give yourself a break, that is normal. Go talk to someone who can help you to see everything clear again.


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