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Releasing the old, is a part of ascension

Last night a woke up in the middle of the night from a dream that didn’t make me feel good. I couldn’t sleep from that moment. So, I did what I normally do, I explore the feeling. Yes, in the middle of the night I started to heal myself.

It took a few ours to figure it out for myself what it was, it was blocking me and prevent me from moving on. It was like a grown out of my coat but still trying it on.

That soul part(you have many) of me was so sad from something very old what I carried as a memory in my system and was attached to me. This part was still trying to make something work, to fit in my world. But it doesn’t, it doesn’t for a long, long time anymore. It is even no longer in my life, it was a past life situation. But this soul part was hurt from that situation and needed to heal.

But how do i need to release it? I ask my team (you all have one) for help. How can I transform this? How can I let go of it in a proper way, so I disentangle from the karma and move on?

And they remind me to a part of a book. That part describes to release external negativity. But instead of using that part in the way that describes it, they say adjust it a bit with using different words what fits in this situation and add everything what you normally do in multi-dimensional healing and transformation work. So, I adjust it and did my thing, so not only my energy field and aura will release it but also on a deeper soul level.

(Your energy field and aura they adapt to your words and feelings. For example, if you say to your aura and energy field stand around me and go in the shape of a egg(that is how it should be) it will do it.)

And it really left a heavy load. I fell asleep again. And off course i dreamed about that what I let go off. In my dream I stood up for myself, I was so angry that I start crying and left the situation and walk right into the light. But when I woke-up I felt great, released and cleaned up.

So, there are 2 reasons why I telling you this is.

Number 1;

That holding on to a situations or persons to long even when they are not in your life any more. In my case it was a past life situation. It can still influence you on different (or all) area of your life, work, relationship, health, money etc. In a way you can standing still, till the situations is transformed.

To do your transformation, you have to go on a deeper soul level. If you think you handle it with your mind. That is with your mind, you try to make it work. And yes, affirmation will work or thinking positive will work. But that is on 1 leve. Without diving in the deeper stuff, you stay on that level of the mind. If you dive in a deeper soul level, that means that you need to feel what you need to feel, take a look and see what really needs to happen in your situation. On that deeper level, you can work together with your team to go in transformation (there also lies the key and tools to transform it). It is a very creative proces. Your mind will translate it for you what is happening on a deeper level. You don’t need to worry about that. Your mind will follow it.

And off course after every experience there is a soul story behind it and why it is still attached to something or someone. There is no need to judge about that, that doesn’t help. What helps is to accept it, that you now are ready to go for transformation.

Number 2;

If I can do it, you can do it as well. You all have the power over your own energy and aura field to let go, release and detached from things that no longer service you. You all can ask for guidance; you all are gifted to do it and transform things. Its all present in you. The only thing is, are you willing to do it?

Because releasing the old, getting insights so you can do things differently, is the path of ascesion.

There are many ways and tools to help you to release and protect yourself. Just pick that what you need for that moment/situation. This can be different per situation and depens on other factors to. A tool for example that many of you already use to release old or stagnated energy is the fullmoon.

And yes, sometimes you need a little helping hand from a therapist, coach, healer to get things clear again and start moving. Even i need that sometimes. If you go to a healer, coach you still do the work. If needed expanding your toolbox, so the next time you can do it yourself.

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