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Collective process: What is going on in the atmosphere, how it is influence you

Yes, another transformation is going on, in this one is heave and slow moving. There are days that you feel the energy is great and everything is making sense and there are days that everything is blurry and vague. Let see what is going on in the world.

Here we go in a nutshell

If you notice that you need to work 'harder' to stay in balance or to keep your focus on the positive things. You feeling low in your energy or feeling lost from time to time? Experience unpleasant cold feeling (not from the weather) especially in the evening, feeling something is off, you know that unheimlich or uncanny feeling? You might even have more feelings popping-up of being unworthy, shame or feeling of incapable. Really weird dreams or nightmares. Well, maybe this explains why.

Because of the transformation cycle the world can feel like a place that is in a darker stage at the moment. Old keeps popping up and things can feel heavy and slow.

How does it looks like? In the atmosphere there is a sort of heaviness going on that looks like thick dark peck. This peck influences the planet (other planets as well). This peck really influences your thought pattern. It influences by brain control to let you think or say thinks that will disconnect you from your heart space. And on an emotional level by feeling not being good enough or feelings of despair giving up on your projects etc. And one day you feel better than the next day.

Try to watch your thoughts carefully and observer your emotions and thoughts. It is not who you are is what you are experience. So, you can choose other thoughts. heal the wounds what is beneath the emotions to let them go. And protect yourself good so the negativity will have less influence on you.

Your masculine energy can help you with guiding your emotions so you will not be over the place all the time.

Yeah, you already guessed this peck is a very low vibe and slow-moving energy. It knows how to kill a positive mood.

This also means that there is not much true light can come in and that can give a down feeling. Sometimes it can feel like the world is closed off.

At the same time this is a positive thing. How? Because now you have to go within and turn on your own freaking light on withing yourself. It helps to be less dependent on others and your light will be much more stable than searching for it outside of you. You’re not a light worker, but a light carrier. And you don’t need to search for your light outside. And from here you can get from knowing to really deep understanding. There is a different between knowing and understanding.

You can feel things aren't moving. As if everything is standing still. Yes, you do your daily things, so on the surface everything looks like things moving and everything is oke. But if you really diving deeper in de energy, the energy is not moving fast. It can be noticed by the way some projects where you work on standing ‘still’ or move very slow or you just simply you can’t work on. Or it feels you need to move mountains for to get your work done.

How to approach the situation?

You need to understand that this darker influence comes from another dimension. I know it is a pink elephant saying but try not to blame this peck or being angry about it. To release yourself from this peck you need a different approach. Because there is whole history with this peck that needs play out. There is no one to blame. This is a like attract like thing.

What is important is to take a look at your feelings and thoughts. That is how this influence this peck triggers you. And the thing is to go within and make things clear for yourself get your boundaries strait on an inner level. Heal, transform and move on. That is the way to rise above this and release yourself form it.

How strange it sounds, on a certain level this fits in with the consciousness level where you were, and like attract like. It means on a certain level we resonate with the same vibe with this peck and you thought there lies a solution for your problem to fix that or you thought you could get there something. It is not a black or white thing, the soul was growing from this situation. But now you’re in a stage that you grow out of this situation. Ready for a new adventure.

Because of the like attract like thing, you need to feel for yourself what you thought to get from this peck, and give it to yourself, heal yourself, let go of misinterpretations etc. That will move you closer to yourself and you will rise above it. This is a journey with your eureka moments and feeling you get it and feeling strong and the next moment it looks like you lost that. Well it’s still there but you go to layer stages. So what you get a layer before is different on the next layer.

I know this peck sounds very abstract, but you will be triggered through your daily life with people and situations. Like what isn’t working for you any more with people or situations? What did you thought what you get from the situation but didn’t get? What is what you need to heal or restore for yourself to release or transform your situation? Where do you need to restore your inner boundaries?

Another thing is that this situation triggers you where there is a need to grow to a heart-based consciousness level. This has nothing to do with how far you are in your consciousness development. You have so many layers and depts.

It will help the masculine energy with making a further shift to connect with the heart again. The masculine can really feel sad and little bit of homesick feeling disconnected. It can come to realization that it is not really connected with his own heart and searching for on the how.

And watch out for the wannabee’s, I mean there are a lot of entities pretending to be archangels etc. but they are not. So, you need to be very clear on your intuition. So, protect yourself good.

And till the next time.


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