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Collective process: cleansing, the masculine, ''the underworld''and relationships

Mabey you already noticed, maybe you didn’t. But at this moment there is a big cleansing going on in the collective. Actually, we are taking the next step to make you ready for ascension and to grow further.

This cleansing has to do with balance of the masculine energy, than of the feminine energy and then balance between the two of them.

But for now, the focus is on masculine energy the balance itself out and letting go of the old way of doing things so it can reconnect to your own inner higher heart carried masculine energy.

What does this mean? You are going to learn and understand more of what the masculine energy is about in its balanced way and how it can assist you in your daily life. This is needed to let go of a deformed masculine energy (brutal, harsh etc). You will also experience the pain of your inner masculine. This is old pain.

The underworld and the masculine energy

At the moment you will or maybe you already experience a lot of darkness, the underworld is popping up and is very active in difference way(in your dreams, political level, media etc)

Why, because the underworld is falling. The underworld is a world that you can see as a place there is not much light awareness. Not something to be afraid for. If you can see through their illusion, they act form pain and the cosmic birth wound, it will not have that much power over you.

This falling is nothing more than a transformation. But the underworld will not experience or act it that way. They will experience and act in a way of death. So, they are afraid and in panic.

And this you will see in the media that they project their panic on the collective to maintain the situation as they are for them. They have a lack of awareness and see it from the eyes of fear.

There is a similarity between the old masculine energy and the underworld. They are both disconnected from the heart awareness. They both have pain and feeling lonely. You can compare it with homesick from the source. That attract them both to each other to seek it outside of themselves to 'fix' the homesick feeling. But it didn't workout. Instead of going inside of yourself and connect again. This is very normal process in the journey from the ego to a heart-based awareness and becoming aware of yourself and the connecting with the source. First stadium is seeking it outside of yourself, then you find out that it isn't there to find and then you will go back inwards and reconnect with yourself.

What does this all mean in your daily life? You can experience a lot push and pull energy, feeling off numb, sadness, low off energy. Not feeling totally present in your daily life. You can also experience body pain, throat and neck pain, heart pain (always check out a doctor if you have medical conditions). Those are old wounds of the masculine energy that needs to be healed.

There will be more galactic influencing popping up as well, that had a negative impact on the awareness development of the masculine (and feminine) energy. And those negative impact are imprinted in your system that needs to let go of through awareness. This can give a lot of angriness. But there is a whole history why this was happened. The important for now is that it needs to let go off. These galactic influences can feel very manipulate sneaky. Even for a starseed it can be feeling unpleasant.

In your relationships you can experience a distance. You will get clarity of the relationship that you have at the moment (with your spouse or someone close to you), why you attract each other and why is your relationship as it at the moment. This is very important for your own awareness to find out. Is it based on fear, emptiness, afraid to align with your truth self, loneliness, seeking for love outside off you etc. And that is all ok. There is nothing wrong with you, it is just awareness and clarity.

With this awareness you can answer this question; What is what you thought you will get from it but never will get? The moment you get clarity of the why you can give yourself that from your own heart to yourself. This will give you a heads up of your self-healing, it is making space for change and to let go off unhealthy karmic relationships. Or the relationship will transform to something better. What happens to the relationship depends on the soul contract and your free will and what the other person is doing in his/her development.

Back to the underworld in your daily life. The underworld is going to provoke you and the world. The more they lose their ground under there feet the stranger way they will act. You are going to see this in the world politics. Their agenda’s will be more and more visible.

They will poke you, in a way that it going to irritate you to pull you back into their energy. You can see this a child that bullying another child to take away for the toy. And then that kid will be all upset, they are going to be manipulative sneaky, working behind your back and behind the scene. You will feel that it is not oke, but you can’t put you finger on it. Just trust that feeling.

Remember those beings are afraid of losing what they thought they had, control, power and money, because off lack of awareness. But they actually work from the illusion of mastery so they don’t have any.

The more you're going to fight against them the more you will go into their energy.

What is important here is your intention. Your intention should be standing up for yourself from your higher heart carried man. Then you will not have a fight against them attitude and you won’t be pulled in their energy and their game.

The higher heart carried masculine is about seeing the truth and giving healthy boundary that you won’t give yourself away, giving room, protecting and grounding to the inner feminine to be present and doing her thing.


This collective process will push some personal buttons and old pain that needs to be healed. Become aware of that and do your soul homework. Connecting to your own alignment wil help you through your proces. And for the parts of you that need to grow in their awarness it is very important that they feel safe. Make a proper save environment so you and your parts stay connected.

If you being triggered and feeling of centered, 1. Focus on your breathing 2. Focus on your heart 3. Focus on your feet.

Start with 1. Just breathe, than add 2 focus on you heart, add 3, focus on your feet.

Now focus on all 3 at the same time so you comeback to you center and take it from there.

Make it yourself comfortable and take it step by step and be gentle by yourself. This process is temporary, you got this.


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