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How the path to the new ascended earth unfolding, by letting go of the old ascended earth as you knew it

earth and how the new earth is unfolding

Imagine that you lived during times when planet earth was an ascended paradise, where there was a certain form of harmony, love, light, balance and divinity. You could speak of heaven on earth. And then later in your souls live you incarnate on the same planet, with that memory in your pocket and suddenly it turns out that this planet was no longer that ascended paradise as you knew it, but where darkness, disharmony, aggression, control, power, chaos and debris reigned. For a soul, this can cause quite an internal shock reaction (even if you are not really aware of it) because you remember a different Earth. An earth with light, love, harmony, balance, etc. and this memory does not correspond to what you perceive.

You can understand that this is a huge contrast difference between the memory you had, the earth in the light state of being and the dark state of being. And this does something to you as a soul, experiencing pain and sorrow from this. Deep within your soul consciousness there may be a question: What in the world has happened here that it has become so dark, where is this once beautiful paradise earth?

Most of those who have incarnated here on Earth at this time, have had multiple lives on this planet. You have known lives where the earth was in a more ascended phase that looked like a kind of paradise, heaven on earth as you would describe it, a certain kind of harmony and peace. That you all have been longing for. And then you have also had many lives where you have been in a dark phase on Earth, where there was disharmony, control, aggression and so on. Where we are working with many of you to transform that dark phase. You could call this process that is happening now, a transition phase where there is a lot going on, on many different levels. And most of you that are incarnated are participating in this transition proces. Some really consciously some unconsciously.

There may also have been a kind of disbelief in your soul that the Earth had gone dark. From that reaction you started investigating, looking for that ascended planet.

You may have thought: How do we get it back? To answer that question for you now, no, the way the ascended earth was, will not coming back. It simply can't, because if all goes well you have grown as a soul and that old form of ascended earth will no longer suit you where you are now. And yes, you have tried very hard to manifest that paradise again as it was. Holding on to something beautiful that was there and trying to get it back. Holding on to something beautiful was never really wrong, because that memory kept you going and you knew it was possible. At a certain point it was so dark on this planet that something had to happen so that the planet could rise from its ashes and not succumb to all that darkness. And this was needed to come to consciousness to go into ascenstion.

Keep in mind that the source wants the earth to ascend and in order to realize that ascension there are things that need to be made visible, come to the surface and put in order, such as: illusions and breaking through them, letting go of negative authority figures so that you become your own heart-based authority again, interaction with the earth itself, coming to self-consciousness, etc. And because of that, a lot of things come up to the surface that need to be sorted out, so to speak. Think of it as a huge reorganization in a huge company. What do you want to keep, what don't you want to keep, where are adjustments needed, is the vision still correct, etc. And you want the reorganization to go as smoothly as possible, so you come up with a certain plan. While implementing this plan, you will always encounter things that are not goes according your plan (think of traumas, injuries, patterns, etc.). Then you have to deal with your employees who react differently to change (they all have different states of consciousness). One goes along easily and likes it, another shows resistance, a third is in between, etc.

white quit normal is during this kind of reorganization, all sorts of uncertainties may arise. This is because all kinds of changes (shifts) suddenly take place. You were used to something and suddenly it changes. And these are all very normal. Especially if you are someone who is attached to certain certainties, it may feel that your certainties fall apart and find out that those certainties were an illusion. Some people just really don't want change. So all of this requires challenges. So you see you are dealing with a melting pot of all kinds of people who are in different states of consciousness with their needs and habits. And change and ascension happens differently for everyone.

Let's get back to how and why it happened that the earth could fall into such 'darkness'. For this is a very complex story, which I will try to explain as summery and understandably as possible, and it is not possible to explain everything in this peace. The complexity lies in the evolution of consciousness behind this event.

Once there was a galactic war, and that galactic war moved to planet earth. At that time, the earthlings were easily influenced because they were in a very different phase of there consciousness than we are now. So, you guessed it, those galactic influences could have power over the earthlings at that time. Both parties, both the galactic influences and the earthlings, were in their ego phase, only one was more advanced in the ego phase than the other.

The intention was for both sides to develop, the galactic influences that they were moving to a different stage of consciousness that violence is not a solution to vent their pain that way and the earthlings that were becoming aware of their I am consciousness. Another developmental aspect is that both served as mirrors for each other. The earthlings served as a mirror for those galactic influences who were not yet aware of the impact of their behavior on others. For the earthlings, the alien races were a mirror to grow into an I am consciousness. Both to the next stages of their consciousness development.

The way the galactic influences influenced the earthlings at that time was through brainwashing, genetic manipulation, pretending as an positive authority, creating false security, etc.....On this way it makes life seem like an experiment from the moment the alien races started interfering with developments here on Earth.

The war itself is not over, although people say it is. But it is still going on and is coming more and more to the light and surface because the earth and the people on the earth are going to ascend and this is needed to come to consciousness so you can give a swing to certain situations.

But how is this new ascended earth being created? You hear people say that there is already a new earth at a certain vibrational frequency. Which you can already make contact with if you wanted to, because everything exists in the here and now. But sometimes it can be very frustrating that you can make connection with it, but it is not really experienced or visible here in this phase where we at in this time frame. So this is because we are in a great transition process. Where many things need to be figured out, need to come to consciousness, need healing and more.

The new ascended earth can the path to it can only unfold when you begin to let go of the idea that the old ascended earth is coming back. And this can be quite frightening, i can tell you that, because you beliefd in something, you worked on something so hard to comeback, it can give a feeling of losing hope etc. But through that proces your path is getting clear.

The path to the new earth is different for everyone. But for everyone it begins with the acceptance that the old ascended earth is not coming back. As I described earlier, it can't because of the growth you have gone through.

But there is a part of you that knows the way, that will go through inspiration, inspiration, coming to consciousness, reflection, etc. And this happens through contact with the essence of the soul that you are in your authenticity. If you dare to allow it. This is not always easy because there is a lot going on and you have to go inside with your consciousness and consciously connect with your authentic self.

So go inside, explore your true self, your unique path, grow, transform, heal, arise, manifest unique new things, explore new skillss etc, ask for guidance.

Have a nice day!


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