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Light message for the upcoming period

For the upcoming period I see two different groups and both groups will have their own unique learning curve.

Where one group will get his wakeup call, because they ignore their inner homework, the other group will learn how to react and handle the group who gets the wakeup call, without losing their alignment and learn to master their multi-dimensional self(starseeds)

Group 1

There is a group of people that will be confronted with themselves. This go on a high speed tempo, there is no more waiting. This is the group of people that didn’t do their inner homework. So, the universe will step in and thought to be nice and give them a helping hand with confrontation. They run from themselves for a long time. And now they are not be able to run from it anymore.

It is the ride of the ego vs the heart consciousness.

This can be a bomby ride if they’re fighting against it. The old need to break down and the feelings want to be felt. Yes, it can give a feeling of being a bit lost, don’t know where to go and can be overwhelming. This is part of the process when you are in a transition from the known to the unknown. But the unknown is better then where you are now. A part of them might think it differently, because the ego likes the way things running in the ego way. But it’s stops them from growing to a greater thing.

If you fight against it you will feel it in your stomach, you will feel nauseous, powerless and sadness.

Further they can feel unbalanced or experience a loss of focus. They might feel that they are more distracted than usually, troubeling sleeping. Or they will be distracted themselves try to ignore their feelings and project it on the outside world. Some people will even go into panic, because the confrontation overwhelmed them. And they need to learn how to handle it.

What they need to learn is, to go back to themselves and take their (inner)shit seriously. Being honest what is working in your life and what not. How to handle your emotions and that it is ok to have them. Also, you might feel that you want to go off in another direction with your life, work, relationship etc. because it will be a better fit.

The best approach for this period is to see it through the eyes off a big reorganization. If a company is in a reorganization then there are always difficulties on the road, the things that you had not foreseen. The hidden surprises that needs to take care of.

Very important tips:

Don’t be harsh on yourself. There will be days where you feel exhausted. Take it step by step and take a step back. That will help to speed up the process, then to push you through the process. This is a less is more principle, the more you trust the process, the sooner you will be done with it. The more you will fight the longer it takes.

Acknowledge and accepting your feelings is very important, then you will be coming back into your center. Worse thing to do, is going to be mad about it, it will be getting worse. And it is a self-rejection.

Another tip:

Talking to someone who has experience this transition, can give a huge help to understand things better and trusting the process.

Group 2

For the Starseeds and sensitive people among us:

You will be feeling stronger that people having difficulty being focused and going to a wake-up call. You will pick it up their emotion, frustrations and anger. Best advice here, ground yourself very firm. And make a protection shield to bounce off other people’s processes and align yourself before you start your day. If you don’t you will go in the turmoil of others.

Get your boundaries clear:

Why? Keep in mind that the group that is going into a wake-up period are looking for support and help, without even knowing it. First it will be on an energetic level, before they make a move to ask for help in the 3D level. (It’s an ego thing, you know how the drill goes, the ego will not admit that there are things going on and will say it has everything onder 'controle')

It means that they are not aware of that they are clinching to the sensitive and starseeds group.

You can feel an energetic pool from someone or a situation, the feeling of being stuck or being pulled in the lower energies that gives a heavy feeling or suffocating feeling. Part of it, is a feeling from the outside, other part is from yourself. Now you see that you need the boundaries, so you will not merge with the energy field of others or sitations.

Important note:

They didn’t learn (yet) to balance themselves out, stay grounded and handle their emotions by themselves. Did can be a bit overwhelming what comes your way as a starseed or sensitive person.

Remember we went all to this period to learn more about how to work with yourself and your emotions and grow into higher consciousness, and we still are keep learning.

If you want to help them; the best way to this in a safe way, so you will not be being pulled into their field is, to look it from the eyes of understanding. In this way you will stay on the sideline and you are able to give them a helping hand with staying on your own alignment.

And doing your own thing. It means you will get a shift in a perspective in how to guide people, because the way you did before will not work anymore.

Another learning curve is:

You will be more aware of your multi-dimensional self. Where you are focusing or think about a situation or someone a part of you will be there immediately. You will experience it as if you are ‘away’ from yourself. With this learning period you will learn how you work and how to handle your multi-dimensional self (star seeds gift and talents). Ask your team to guide you with this.

Or ask someone who already is been stabilize in this aspect for tips.

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