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becoming your own light bridge

There is a lot to say about being a bridge and at the same time it is hard to describe it what it is. Because it is more a state of being what needs to be experience and felt. Being a bridge means that you are connected from top to bottom, head to toe. That your personal light/signature can ground so you can create your own destiny. It means that you are aligned with yourself and be able to flow your own energy and ground it. Grounding is nothing more then be in contact with your physical body. That you not only make a connection between your head-heart, but also between your heart-stomach, the first tree chakra’s. The heart-stomach connection in particular is very important for your process of becoming your own bridge. It is an important foundation that is needed for a lot of things like your manifestations, being more present in the here and the now, keeping balance, balancing your inner masculine and inner feminine, increase your self-esteem, increasing your self-worth, grounding, releasing your emotions, holding the light and ground it, stabilize your higher energy, keeping your energy to yourself, let your own energy flow, improving your relationship/connection with yourself and many more things.

When people come and visit me for a session I also work on the connection head-heart and heart- stomach and teach them how to make this connection to themselves because it’s very easy to do. Most people who come for a session wants to live their heart desires. A life what is based on a heart level, a higher energy level. They want their heart connection back. But only focus on your heart does not work. You will be all over the place and get over sensitive. Because it has no foundation to stand on. Usually i need to restore this connection first before you can go on this bridge journey. And it has many layers. The foundation lies in the grounding where you meet the world. The stomach area is connected with the earth. It means it helps you with your manifestation work. You need to ground yourself so you can manifest your heart desire in your daily life. Otherwise you dreams are not coming in fulfillment. Another positive side when you start to make this connection is that you will be more stable. You keep your own energy with yourself, so you will not being drained and have the energy to do your mission. Heart-stomach connection has his feeding cycle what has a charging effect because you’re connected with you on a healthy way.

Let me explain the feeding cycle because it is and active cycle. The heart is a giver it shares love and light. To make a connection between your heart-stomach and stomach-heart, there will be an interaction between heart and stomach. So you will get a give and receive cycle. This cycle is very nourishing. The more you become aware of this connection between heart-stomach and vice versa the stronger the interaction will be and the more your own energy can flow and be shared with you.

It also give a safe feeling because you are grounded, the light stays with you and your sensitivity get its balance so you can use it in a supported way. And it is a process of a deeper connection with yourself and here grows your level of understanding/awareness to yourself, others and the world. It just an interesting journey it makes you wiser. What I experience in my bridge journey is that I am so much more involved with my on growth, more in my power, more passionate etc. Yes and I had also my learning to do, releasing old wounds, removing blockage, overcome my fears etc.

Most people have difficulty making the connection with heart-stomach comparison with the head-heart. Because with the heart-stomach connection you will come across your unresolved issues, your fears, wounds etc. What we do is you go in meditation and meditate to the happy feeling. But with the hearth-stomach connection you need a different approach. You need insights to overcome your fear, to heal your wounds and yes you can go to a healer or a coach to guide you so you can make that shift. It is more a waking up call kinda route.

By being your own light bridge, your energy and the energy of the source/home can flow freely. The energy of the source is already in your present. But you will be able to allow it and ground it. And you need to build a good foundation to hold that energy for yourself. Otherwise it flows away, the more you can hold it, the more you becoming a bridge for yourself and for others.

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