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Soul Purpose

soul purpose

Often we're searching for our life purpose. What is it what we supposed to do, where lies your passions? etc. We love to have the answer of that so we can fill in our life. That is normal, most of the time we’re seeking for an answer outside of us. Well I did it for a long time, till I get that I’m the only one who knows the answer. It’s inside of me, it’s already present, but I didn’t listen. I didn’t had a practical form ride away, for a long time it was just a feeling. Sometimes it was frustrating because I wanted a clear answer and do something with that feeling. But I didn’t get it, only glimpse here and there. I learnt to listen to my gut and feelings and follow them.

Let me explain this. Your environment reflex you, it triggers you in a negative or positive way. You can feel satisfied, that your situation is feeding you, happy etc. Or it can make you down, sadness, empty, lonely etc....Those feelings and emotions are your guide line what tells you if you’re on the right track yes or no.

The point is if you are not happy with your situation for a period of time, then it's decision time. And here comes the thing what it makes that it’s not always easy to make a decision. Because you know what you got, but you don’t know yet what it will come for in return. But the first step is to make decision to say no to a unhealthy situation and that you’re ok with it that you don’t know where to go and what comes next. Sometimes one door needs be closed first then the other one will open for you.

The universe is all about learning and growing as a person, this has also to do with learning to trust the universe that it will help you to go there where you supposed to be, by guiding you through your emotions, feelings and heart. This can be challenging from time to time, I can tell you that, because it also has to do with letting go of control. The more you are giving in, the easier it will go and the more energy you will get back. And you will surf on the wave of your soul and the universe. You build your confidence because your start to trust the signals of your soul. And remember often the road is more imported then your destination….

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