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Soul diving: How deep is your soul going to choose to dive into the experience?

Have you ever experienced a situation or an emotion very deeply? That deep, that you can feel it through the fiber of your soul? The moment that you say i need to process that, i need to have room for that (this can also be for the positive experience not only the negative ones).

Well, a soul can experience something very deeply. For example: pain, happiness, sadness, euphoria, certain experiences can make a deep impression, something you see or hear etc. But why is that?

The soul wants to have contact and connection with you, it’s very nourishing for the soul as for the earthly personality. It anchors you deeper in your system and gives a deeper feeling of living and happiness. That is why we love to experience the positive things to the depths, because above (the source) as well as below (the earth) then have a deep contact, and especially for the soul it offers joy, because it is eager to contact with its parts. When this happens, you can feel very aligned, deep feeling of calm and at the same time a balanced happiness with yourself. Those are the moments that you feel, everything is coming together even in the experience and ground itself. And during the moments that you feel off, sad, pain etc its easier to work with that when you are invited your soul into your heart, into your life.

Let me put it in a metaphor. If you translated to a food craving, the soul foods craving is deep communication, connections and contact with its parts in the experience, so also with the earthly personality. Because that is also a part of the soul, it's the physical part of the soul that's standing in the experience.

With the positive experiences, we often don't have such problems with them. If you are comfortable with it.

But the less pleasant things for example pain or sorrow, to experience that very deeply is less pleasant and it can be very painful. And what we want and do, what is very logical, is to get rid of that pain as soon as possible. Especially when you experience it deeply. Then you may distance or disconnect or numb the pain, in order not to feel the pain. This is not a strange reaction.

Nobody wants to be in pain all day and feel crap. And often people tend to go for quick fixes to get rid of it as quickly as possible. (This is often an ego-centered solution, not so much a heart-centered solution). This may be useful at a certain time or helpful in that moment, especially if you are on the road or have to give a presentation, etc. As you know, on the long run it does not work, because the discomfort just comes knocking on your door again.

If you practice in the heat of the moment quick fix, it is very important that you come back to this uncomfortable feeling at another time to see exactly what happened. This is important to build trust with yourself, that you are there for yourself and to see what you need that it's not happening again.

During the painful moments you can experience less connection with the source or your soul. And this disconnection gives the illusion of separation with the source and with your own soul. Don't forget it's not always easy to stay whit your awareness with your discomfort. And what that part needs is a positive shift to reconnect and see true the illusion of separation.

But why are you experience certain things so deep?

Well, you have souls who love to dive in the depth of experience, to search things out. And you have souls who like to dive to a certain level and you have souls who really don't want to go into debt at all. Nothing to judge here.

(A note: the souls who don't want to go into depth at all it's just a phase where they are at. They don't feel the urge to experience something there are reason for that. For example: it’s not in their soul contract at the point where they are, they are afraid, or just simply not aware of it they are souls who sleeping. They will wake up eventually. But this can't be pushed, nor you shouldn't wait for them to wake up them.)

The point is that the nature of the soul is to experience certain things in depth, to find out exactly how things are or to transform them, to understand itself better or to learn something, to shine the light into deeper things. So, this means you really dive into the depth of something.

That's why certain themes or topics can come back more often. For example, topic/subjects where your passion lies but also themes where you think not again when does it stop. Well, with the last one, the not again one, pops up this is often a sign that you are ready to take a look at the next layer. Most of the time you receive signals that, you can have a certain feeling, a person or situations pops up, your personal light team informs you, you can have dreams etc. That is different for everyone. The next step is, look at what needs to be happened in terms of recovery, healing, transformation and receiving consciousness or information to be able to move on or transform it. And don't forget it may also be that you need to take a very earthly practical action to set something right or transform a pain.

To do this, it requires a certain amount of discipline so that you don't being absorbed in your discomfort or emotions and also that prevent a victimhood behavior. After all, you are not the pain, discomfort, etc. you are just experiencing it. And yes, in the moment of your pain or discomfort it is not always easy to look at it and deal with it in that way. Especially if you are experiencing a punch in the gut, during those moments you need to work to get yourself back together.

It is quite possible when you are in a moment where you experience deep pain, sorrow or something like that, you may be aware that you’re not the pain or sorrow, but at the same time you can think, this is all very nice, but when does this stop? Like, what am I going to do now? And that is such a normal thought. At such a moment it helps to bring the focus back to your breath and follow that to come back to your center. Once you are more centered, you can definitely ask for support from your light team, your galactic light team, your guides to help you through this process. (And people watch out for the wannabe light teams.)

When you, as a soul, have chosen to experience something or a subject to a certain depth, it goes at a certain phase and tempo. How fast depends on where you are in your process, what it is and your consciousness. The thing is deeper experience just go through several layers, where you need to (re)experience things or come to consciousness. Don't forget your system, it must be able to support the process, you want your healing, transformation etc to last. And yes, some things can be speed up at certain stages of a deep process.

Another thing is you decide how far you want to go in your soul dive. At a certain moment you feel that it is enough (for that moment) or that your process is finished and it's time for a new experience.

You can check if it’s finished to a certain level just by asking is there more after this layer/level with your subject? If yes, you can continue your process at another time. Then it will automatically pop up again. The pain or discomfort you feel is really a directional indicator.

Usually there has to be a balance between positive/pleasant topics and less positive/negative topics. You can't just have one or the other. Because that creates a disequilibrium. Yes, you're more in the positive or in the negative side. This is a balance thing between Yin and Yang, dark and light, one cannot exist without the other, on is not better than the other. Dark needs light to enlighten and light needs a little bit darkness to grow.

The thing here is to create space in the middle of that. That space in the middle gives overview and balance. This is not easy on this planet. For that you need time for yourself, so you can come back to that center point, in the middle. To be in the middle is to stand in nothingness and be present. It is not easy and experiencing the void can be overwhelming because what are you going to create for yourself in that space? That's up to you.

Oh yeah, between you and me, you are neither dark nor light, you are just pure consciousness with a lot of experience. And you decide how deep you dive into the depths.

Soulcore Coaching,

Multi-dimension soul counseling session in Dutch and in English.


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