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'Thank you Blanchefleur,
For your wonderful costumized meditation! I really enjoyed listing. I felt so peaceful and nourished afterwords. Like a mini-holiday. It was very special to meet my soul and guides...
The meditation is still working through on deeper levels, i feel more power and strenght. And that after only one time listening! It was very special, what a super service! Kind regards''

Claudia Germany

My experience with Blanchefleur was very special. In this reading I received meaningful messages that helped me to understand my situation and to heal my emotions. She is a very open, sincere and loving person who truly cares about helping people. I felt confident and could trust her easily. The work that she does is professional and full of light. After the session I felt so calm, relieved and happy to had this great opportunity to let go, heal and keep developing.

this client had a ganglion on her wrist. Ganglion is a lump filled with fluid. She had this for 6 months. Her wrist didn't recover. The lump even started to get hard and it startet to hurt. The client started to except that she needed to live with the ganglion.

After the client recieved a holographic multi-dimensional session the lump was gone. 

(If you have a medical condition, always check with your doctor firts.)


In tijden dat alles troebel is en ik helderheid nodig heb, kan ik altijd contact opnemen. Blanchefleur is dan in staat om scherp te luisteren en te voelen. Zonder oordeel formuleert ze wat ze ‘doorkrijgt’ en in krachtige taal verwoordt ze antwoorden op vragen. Ze neemt daarbij de tijd waarbij gelijkwaardigheid centraal staat. Ik krijg bij haar 't gevoel dat ik alles kan zeggen en met praktische tips ontstaat er rust. Heel waardevol. Na de coaching biedt ze altijd nazorg. Ze onthoudt alle details. Blanchefleur biedt mij betrokken, warm, eerlijk en waardevol gelijkwaardig contact waar ik wat aan heb. Ik wens iedereen een dergelijke ervaring toe.
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